Happy Birthday .CO!
So how did .CO reach this milestone in such a short time? The .CO domain is highly popular among SMEs and events, worldwide. From the Canada to Australia, a lot of SMEs have adopted the domain because, “co” flexible and you can be creative with it.
Social media actually uses .CO domains a lot. I’m sure you’ve seen the different shortened URLs out there, including t.co (Twitter) and g.co (Google). Both companies use .CO innovatively and creatively.
So why is the .CO domain so popular with startups and SMEs? It’s because of the amazing perks they offer to members of the .CO community. .CO domain owners receive amazing perks (for free), like your business being promoted on the .CO website, receiving invites and access to industry events (Startup Weekend, anyone?) and receiving special deals for SMEs.
Learn More
Register your .CO domain today at www.webnames.ca/domainsearch
.CO domain are not from united kingdom? I seen domain .co.uk from England.
.CO is Colombia’s country code domain. the .CO.UK domain is simply a sub-domain of the .UK extension.