Neil Lim, Author at Webnames Blog - Page 5 of 12

Congratulations to the Winners of the 2014 BCIC-New Ventures BC Competition is a proud sponsor of the BCIC – New Ventures BC Competition. This year, the participants all went through a gruelling process and we’d like to congratulate the finalists of this year’s competition! This Year’s Finalists Are:  First Place: DarkVision Technologies Second Place: Aspect Biosystems Third Place: AppBridge Software Vancity Social Venture: Nanozen Environmental…

2014 Canadian Anti-Spam Law: Webinar

We’d like to thank everyone who signed up for our webinar on the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL). For that weren’t able to attend or would like to go over the presentation once more, we’ve attached the recording of the webinar below, as well as a few additional resources regarding CASL. Canadian Anti-Spam Law Webinar: Additional…

Get a New Domain, Get a Free .CA Domain!

  Each week for the past few months, we’ve been launching new domain extensions.  From extensions like .PHOTOGRAPHY and .CLUB to .NINJA and .SOCIAL, the new extensions provide a lot of new options and variety. While we love the new domains, we’re not about to forget our Canadian roots and the .CA domain. For a limited time only, we’ve combined…

SSL Sale! 40% off on all GeoTrust SSL Certificates

Whether you need a simple solution for your website or have more complicated security needs, GeoTrust SSL certificates are a great way to enhance the security of your website. Throughout the month of May, all GeoTrust SSL certificates are 40% off when you use the promo code “SecureMySite“! Find the right SSL certificate for your website today!…