Neil Lim, Author at Webnames Blog - Page 8 of 12

Reinventing M and the mSummit

Are you a full-time mom and an entrepreneur? Join the Reinventing M Network as they host the mSummit on November 16, 2013! Attendees of the event gain access to:  1. Catered Breakfast Keynote For all the mom entrepreneurs out there looking for guidance, the mSummit kicks off with mentorship stories from Jilly Earthy, Regional Director…

Beer and the Internet

October is Small Business Month and also marks the beginning of beer festivals and events all over the world. Here in BC, October is Craft Beer month, celebrating the different products of microbreweries all over British Columbia. With October being such a beer (and business) oriented month, we thought we’d talk about the new .beer…

2013 SOHO|SME Business Expo

October is Small Business Month and a great time for businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with each other at the 16th Annual SOHO|SME Expo! Happening in three cities, over three weeks, we would like to invite you to join us!   TORONTO – TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, Hyatt Regency on King VANCOUVER – THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24,…

The New Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation and What Your Business Needs to Know

On September 10, 2013, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce met with Hon. James Moore, Minister of Industry to talk about the new Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), otherwise known as Bill C-28. The discussion covered the implications of the CASL for businesses, it’s impact on marketers and costs on businesses. What is the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation? …