BC Provincial Government Responds to Employer Needs with Co-Op Education Program

BC Provincial Government Responds to Employer Needs with Co-Op Education Program

In my role as Vice-Chair of the Small Business Roundtable of BC, I work with industry leaders and other small business owners to identify key issues and opportunities facing small businesses in British Columbia and to develop recommendations for small business and government on strategies to enhance small business growth and success.

One of our recommendations to government is to promote co-op education programs to strengthen the labour market.

I’m happy to report that the Province has responded to this recommendation with a cross-ministry initiative to highlight the value that co-op students provide to employers.

As an employer, I know that benefits to hiring co-op education students include:

  • The fresh perspective and ideas they bring
  • The ability to enhance a workforce by providing support to staff during peak periods and temporary leaves
  • Raising awareness of an organization among potential employees
  • Giving employers opportunities to assess talent for possible recruitment after graduation

To raise awareness among potential co-op students, the Province has participated in post-secondary institution career fairs and multiple engagement channels have been used including email blasts, social media, publications, job boards and signage.  New information has been added to several websites including WorkBC.ca and the Association for Co-operative Education.

As CEO of Webnames.ca I can vouch for the energy, enthusiasm and value that co-op students bring to a workplace.  We’ve had numerous staff members including developers and other key roles who started with us as co-op students. In fact, our Marketing Coordinator, came to Webnames as a co-op student and many years later continues to be an integral part of our team.

For more information and to support this initiative, which runs to March 31, 2017 please help spread the word. Employers are encouraged to:

  • Visit WorkBC.ca/co-op to learn about how to hire a co-op and read success stories
  • Visit Co-op.bc.ca and consider hiring a co-op student
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