The CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority) 2023 Board Election has begun, with CIRA members able to cast votes from September 27 to October 4, 2023 (Wednesday to Wednesday).
As a member-based organization, CIRA’s 15,000-strong community of .CA registrant-members play an important role in nurturing and supporting CIRA’s work in furthering a trusted Canadian – particularly by shaping the direction of CIRA by voting for experienced and diverse board candidates.
Cast your vote to elect qualified directors
CIRA members decide who will help guide and lead CIRA by voting for the candidates best qualified for the job. Members will have the opportunity to vote for a total of four candidates – three nomination committee candidates and one member candidate.
Eligible members will receive an email on September 27 that looks like this below, containing a link to the voting site and a unique voter ID and PIN number to login.

Nomination Committee Slate and Member Slate Candidates
This year’s slate includes 5 candidates from the CIRA Nomination Committee which is made up of a group of professionals from across Canada with experience in various industry sectors, plus 6 candidates from the Members’ Slate. Members’ slate candidates are self-nominated CIRA members who have received endorsements from other members to qualify for inclusion on the election ballot. They must also meet a series of requirements, including specific skills and requirements.
We encourage you to research and vote for the candidates you feel are best qualified.
As Canada’s original .CA registrar (.CA was conceived of and founded by Webnames Co-Founder and CIRA board advisor John Demco in 1987 at UBC) , our team at Webnames cares a lot about the management of the .CA namespace, as well as the health, accessibility and security of the Canadian internet – for that reason, many members on our team have opted to support one or more of the candidates highlighted below. While we hope that you read their bios and consider their qualifications, more than anything, our aim is simply to encourage more .CA owners and CIRA members to vote for candidates they believe will bring value, leadership and innovative thinking to the CIRA Board.
Nomination Committee Candidate Bios
Adam Harvey
Gwen Beauchemin
Graeme Bunton
Jill Kowalchuk
Wade Leslie
Member Slate Candidate Bios
David Mackey
Frank Michlick
Jacquelin d’Eon
Rob Villeneuve
Robert Birkner
Shaheen Rehmat
Not a CIRA Member? This is How and Why you Should Become One 👇🏾
To vote in CIRA’s Board Election, .CA holders first need to be CIRA members.
As a CIRA Member you will be part of a Canadian Internet community of people who share an interest in building a better online Canada and have an opportunity to shape the business aspects of the internet as well as how Canadians develop the internet as a cultural space. Members provide feedback through surveys and consultations on internet issues, participate in CIRA’s governance and can participate in virtual and local events aimed at networking , business development and knowledge sharing.
If you are a .CA holder but not yet a member, you can submit a membership application today. Membership is free and only open to .CA holders. It remains active so long as your domain(s) remain registered—there’s no additional renewal process beyond renewing your .CA domain name.
While your membership will likely not be processed in time to vote in the 2023 Board Election, but you will be part of the member community moving forward and able to vote in future elections.
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Make your Voice Count – Vote Before October 4th
For more information on CIRA’s board election and governance, we encourage you to visit
Once again, you have until October 4, 2023 to cast your vote here, with the results being announced on October 9th.