New Domain Extensions Available Now - Webnames Blog

New Domain Extensions Available Now

The “Domain Explosion” has begun!

After years of waiting, the new domain extensions have finally arrived and 2 batches have already been released! Each domain is unique, and allows YOU to find a name that truly represents you online!

We will be constantly updating this blog post to highlight the new gTLDs and their launch dates so make sure to check back if you don’t see the new domain extensions that you want!

The new domain extensions available are:

Batch 1 – November 26, 2013


Batch 2 – December 3, 2013


The first 60 days will be a “Sunrise Period” exclusive to Trademark Holders, but you can start pre-ordering for the domains you want today to reserve your spot on the queue!

Sunrise Period 

Trademark holders that want to protect their names in any of the seven extensions during the Sunrise Period should validate their trademarks through the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).

Trademark validation may take up to 34 days so ACT NOW before the Sunrise Period ends!

General Availability

The subsequent phase will be open to everyone and registration of domain names will be on a first come, first served basis.


Pre-Order and Secure Your Domain In 3 Simple Steps

Step 1:  Search for the domain name you want at:

Step 2: Pre-Order for each domain name that you want

Step 3: Proceed through the shopping cart to complete your Pre-Order!

Note: There is no up-front cost to place a Pre-Order, and you will only be charged if the domain is successfully acquired for you.

Pre-Order NOW!
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