.TEL My Friends - Webnames Blog

.TEL My Friends

I recently moved to Vancouver from Victoria. During this transition I had the pleasure of having my only form of communication die on me. I was left at the ferry terminal with all my belongings and a cell phone that wouldn’t even turn on. Oh joy!

After contacting my cell phone provider and waiting “patiently” for a month the heavens opened up and I had received a replacement for my phone. Of course during the corruption of my phone I had lost all my information (friend’s number’s, addresses, emails, my highest score on Brick Breaker and so on) on my SIM card – the icing on the cupcake. 

During one of these circumstances it is quite popular to send out a message to your friends via Facebook and explain your experience and have a little rant about your cell phone provider. Within a few days you would have all your friends’ numbers again. It did take me an extra few days to re-gain my high score on Brick Breaker, but I got there!

Although Facebook is a proven and productive way of getting your friends numbers again, if my friends had a .TEL, the email would have been unnecessary and it would have only taken me only a matter of an hour or so looking up their numbers.

I believe .TEL is the next craze for us. It is certainly a more accessible and simpler way of finding your friends’ information than having to send out an email on Facebook.


Click here for more information on .TEL

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