Oooh la la, some amazing domains are dropping over at CIRA tomorrow, May 23rd. In addition to the ones listed in above, there are also a few 3-letter gems like,,,, and
To-be-released .CA domains enter general availability on Wednesdays starting at 11am PT /2pm ET, and can be pre-booked ahead of time at Webnames. Pre-booking is your best chance to secure an expiring .CA domain. The price is the same as a standard. CA registration, no premium or additional fees apply, and you only pay for the domains that are successfully registered. If you’re dabbling with domaining or building a domain portfolio, you’ll want to monitor the TBR on a weekly basis.
All the domain names featured above, plus thousands more, are available for pre-booking now at and will be released by CIRA on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.