New gTLD Highlight: hit a .HOME run! - Webnames Blog

New gTLD Highlight: hit a .HOME run! is now accepting pre-registrations for upcoming new generic Top Level Domain Names (gTLD) like .web, .hotel, .blog, .home, .tech etc. and we’re getting a lot of great feedback from our customers!

These new extensions are a huge opportunity for businesses and individuals. Think of the possibilities! You can be creative (YourNameAt.home), you can be industry minded (HotelName.hotel) and you can start protecting your brand names ( or

In order to showcase the benefits of these new extensions, we plan to highlight a new gTLD each week!

This week, we’re going .HOME to where the heart is; detailing the new gTLD’s potential uses and how it can benefit you.

Eleven applicants have applied for the .HOME gTLD extension; while we do not know which applicant will win, the extension will have TWO potential uses.

It’s first potential use is to function as an easily identifiable home page for websites. For multinational corporations, a domain under .HOME will be the home page of the company with links that direct visitors to their regional sites. Think of it as an online directory, but for a company. .HOME’s second potential use is to be the sole domain for real estate and home and housing needs. Visitors will be able to find anything related to homes under this domain extension (from sales to renovations). An example of how people can use the domains are: YourCompany.HOME or Improvements.HOME.

Benefits of a .HOME domain name

  • For all things related to home improvements, a .HOME domain easily tells people what your website is all about. The domain is perfect for getting your service and what you do across quickly!
  • For companies and multinational corporations, use a .HOME domain to consolidate your websites. Let it act as a directory to your regional websites!
  • Get the domain name that you want that was not available in other domains

A .HOME domain is great. It has two potential uses but whatever the outcome, it will be an excellent way to communicate your message to customers and visitors!

Pre-Register NOW

Don’t miss this opportunity to own a .HOME domain name or other new gTLDs. Find a domain name that matches you, your business and your interests by going to our gTLD Pre-Registration page at and search for the gTLD that interests you!

Pre-registering is FREE! There is no commitment to buy the domain at this point and you’ll be the first to know when your selected pre-registrations become available.

All gTLD information is readily available for all individuals. You can access gTLD information by going to the ICANN gTLD Application Wiki or the .HOME wiki page.

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Domain Names gTLD