Webnames.ca in the news: A new internet era: How gTLDs like .blog and .sex will work - Webnames Blog

Webnames.ca in the news: A new internet era: How gTLDs like .blog and .sex will work

Webnames.ca President and Co-founder, Cybele Negris was featured on the new WestEnder in Vancouver, and she talks with Kelsey Klassen about new gTLDs and how they will revolutionize the Internet domain.

The launch of the new gTLDs will be the biggest domain name landrush in the history of the Internet. As the launch date of gTLDs come closer, it is important to know what opportunities the landrush will represent and how the gTLDs can potentially drive traffic towards businesses. In a world where search engine optimization (SEO) is king, the importance of securing an appropriate domain increases significantly.

To reserve a new gTLD domain name, visit our pre-registration page at www.webnames.ca/pre-registration

The full “A new internet era: How gTLDs like .blog and .sex will work” article is available at: www.wevancouver.com/news/187160411

To view past news about Webnames.ca and Cybele Negris, visit our media page at: www.webnames.ca/about/media


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