Karthik Balachander, Author at Webnames Blog
google search reveals PII

How to delete your personal data from Google search engine index

When personally identifiable information (PII) that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred is shared publicly online it poses a grave threat to fraud, financial security, and potentially even to personal safety. Google has recently released a feature that allows individuals to remove such sensitive information from their databases that…

HTTPS monitoring and alerts

Introducing SSL Certificate Monitoring Service: Automated Alerts for SSL Installation & Configuration

The latest addition to our growing suite of SSL Management enhancements is SSL Monitoring. Our SSL monitoring service helps small businesses and large IT teams alike to validate SSL installation and ensure that everything is working as intended, through automated testing. Codes, ciphers, and encryption of communications are almost as old as human society itself.…

free domain name security scanner

Introducing: Domain Name Security Scan Tool – fast & easy with actionable insights

Domain name security is one of the many cybersecurity threats that businesses should be wary of. At Webnames, we have built a free, powerful and easy tool that can help detect potential domain compromise risks for small businesses and large organizations alike. Domain name security risks As the literal address of brands and businesses online, domain…

Canada Day Sale 2020

We mark Canada Day with patriotic fervour and a big bang sale every year, but Canada Day 2020 is a bigger occasion than the ones before. For one, this year has been an incredible challenge for Canadians due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on health, wellbeing, and economic factors. As restrictions related to…