Domain name with email
With Webnames email we have made it easy to associate your domain name with your email. We see thousands of businesses that have a website with their domain name and then use email from their service provider (ex. By using your own domain name for your email you can get a very easy to remember email address like for example. Every time you send an email it reinforces your company’s name and promotes your brand while making you and your business look more professional. Even if you are committed to using your third party email, you should consider using email forwarding to point your or email alias to your current email.
Webnames email is secure
I recently abandoned my Blackberry for an Android phone. I was reluctant to switch because I liked the security of Blackberry mail and wanted to maintain that level of security. Webnames email now runs over SSL which means that it is encrypted and secure.
Access anywhere
I am on my email from the minute I wake up to the minute I got to sleep at night. I need access to all of my email from my phone, from my home computer, from my office computer and from my laptop. Webnames email makes this easy as it supports IMAP which means that we store the email on our servers so you can access it from anywhere. I use Thunderbird at home, MS Outlook in the office and K9 on my Android phone and Webnames delivers my email seamlessly, regardless of where I am.
Webnames supports two fully functional Webmail interfaces. Pronto is Flash based – with drag and drop and popup windows and we also support an HTML Webmail interface for those with slower internet connections.
Calendar and contacts
With our MAPI connector, I can update my contacts and calendar at work and access them from any of my other computers. More details about MAPI here.
Overair Sync for mobile
I am using Overair Sync for my contacts and calendar which means that when I enter a contact or add an appointment to my phone it will appear on my desktop the next time I log in. We are working hard to make this available to everyone with an android or iPhone.
Our email comes with collaborative tools that make it easier to work in groups. It includes an instant messenger tool, the ability to share calendars and contacts and these extras can give small businesses a great competitive edge.
Spam and virus protection
It is really hard to eliminate SPAM, and we have put a lot of effort into filtering viruses and spam before they get to you which – in turn – makes you more productive.
We have invested in the very best hardware infrastructure so that you get the performance and reliability you need from your email.
Free with hosting
Email is free with Webnames Web Hosting.
Want to learn more about Webnames email? Visit our website