Microsites SEO start with a creative domain

We’ve noticed a trend lately here at Webnames.ca. While our corporate and small business customers continue to do their best to protect their brands online by registering the applicable domains, they also seem to have a creative side. More and more businesses are thinking outside the traditional brand protection box and looking for unusual domains and these tend to turn into marketing…

Domain Name News – Feb. 11, 2007

Root Servers Attacked – On Feb. 6, root nameservers were flooded with queries due to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Reportedly three of the 13 root server clusters were significantly affected, but the attack went largely unnoticed by users. VeriSign to Strenghen its Internet Infrastructure – VeriSign has announced an initiative to expand…

Go Mobile! with dotMobi

Since .mobi domain names were opened to the public in September 2006, more than 375,000 names have been registered. Thousands of innovative .mobi sites are already live and dotMobi has already itself as a major force in the industry. This morning, the folks behind the dotMobi registry announced the next phase of their plan to make the Internet mobile, starting with Go Mobile!…

Northern Voice 2007

Webnames.ca is proud to annouce that we’re sponsoring the Northern Voice Conference on February 23/24 in Vancouver. This will be their 3rd annual weblogging conference and it promises to build on the success of last year with an event that is inexpensive, informal, and accessible to techies and newbies alike.   Although it is a weblog conference, the range…

Domain Name News – Feb. 4, 2007

.COM and .NET Registry Price Increases Expected This Year – VeriSign expects to increase the annual registry fees for .com and .net domain names this year, according to CEO Stratton Sclavos. Presently the annual registry or wholesale price for a .com name is USD $6.00, and the price could rise 7% to $6.42. The registry…

Domain Name Hijacking explained

Over at CircleID last week, Brett Lewis of Lewis & Hand, LLP defined Domain Name Hijacking while educating domain name owners about how it can be avoided. Domain Name Hijacking is the terminology commonly used to describe the wrongful taking of a domain name from its rightful owner, by deception or fraud. A couple of…