AdultBlock Brand Protection: Sunrise B blocks on .XXX domains expire in 2021, switch now - Webnames Blog

AdultBlock Brand Protection: Sunrise B blocks on .XXX domains expire in 2021, switch now

Adultblock sunrise b domain protection

Ten years is a long time, but we’re closing in on that mark since .XXX domains launched. For brand protection professionals, that means that Sunrise B protections on .XXX expire 10 years from Dec. 2011, which puts us at Dec. 2021 and you will need to transition to AdultBlock or AdultBlock+ to protect your brand on adult domain extensions like .XXX, .SEX, .PORN and .ADULT. 

Update (Apr 2021): Trademark requirements for AdultBlock were revised in Apr 2021. Click here or scroll down to learn more.

Brand Protection against malicious actors on the internet can sometimes feel like a game of whack-a-mole. Varied cybersecurity threats such as domain hijacking, phishing scams, DDoS attacks keep CSOs, intellectual property experts and law enforcement busy, and the expanded threat surface afforded by new domain extensions (many of them are not even that new anymore!) adds to the complexities. At Webnames Corporate, we have our eyes on the ball and can help you ensure that your brands and trademarked labels are protected. 

We have answered some questions that you might have about AdultBlock below, we hope this helps you secure your brands against domain infringement and abuse

What is AdultBlock?

AdultBlock is a brand protection program from the domain registry that operates .XXX, .SEX, .ADULT and .PORN domain names. It acts as the successor to the domain block protections that were established with the Sunrise B phase of .XXX domains at the time of its launch. If you are a Trademark holder with TMCH or if you were already protected under Sunrise B, extend your protection on adult domain extensions. 

Which domain extensions and what types of matches are covered under AdultBlock? Do I have to buy it for 10 years again? 

AdultBlock and AdultBlock+ cover .XXX, .SEX, .ADULT and .PORN domains, AdultBlock+ blocks similar characters (homoglyphs) and IDNs as well in addition to exact matches. Domains already registered cannot be blocked by AdultBlock unless they become available after the redemption period has passed.

AdultBlock can be purchased for 1,3,5,or 10 year terms. AdultBlocks can be transferred from one registrar to another, no need to purchase additional years for a transfer.

Who can purchase AdultBlock? When does Sunrise B on .XXX expire?

Anyone with an SMD (signed mark data) file from TMCH or .XXX Sunrise B holders can use AdultBlock to block their labels. No reverification of Sunrise B rights is required. If AdultBlock is not activated on labels whose Sunrise B blocks expire, after Dec 2021 these will be available for registration on a first come first served basis. After expiry of this protection, reverification of blocking rights will come at a fee.

Update (Apr/May 2021): AdultBlock requirements updated

Starting mid-May 2021, AdultBlock Services will allow the following types of trademarks to make a successful block across all the TLDs protected under AdultBlock:

  • Registered Trademarks: Nationally or Regionally registered trademarks that are in force at the date the application is examined
  • Unregistered Trademarks: A mark created by a business or individual to signify or distinguish a product or service. In some jurisdictions/countries, unregistered trademarks are also referred to as common law trademarks
  • Company/Organization Name: Registered Companies as well as “Trading As” or “Doing Business As” names are eligible for the AdultBlock service
  • Celebrity Name: Famous persons, sports stars and personalities, political figures, actors, social media celebrities, and public figures

For unregistered trademarks, celebrity names and other extended marks that are treated at par with trademarks for AdultBlock, Webnames will use an expert third-party verification agent to enable you to protect your brand. Contact us, to get started.

How to get started with extending .XXX Sunrise B Protection for my brand labels?

Contact our Brand Protection experts or Nick from our Corporate team, if you are already with Webnames, to learn more and to protect your brand.

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Domain Names